Complaints Resolution

Complaints Resolution

At Direct Loans Australia our goal is 100% customer satisfaction, so if we fall short of this we want to know. SO – please contact us first!

We understand that sometimes things can go wrong and you may feel the need to make a complaint. To help you do this we have developed an Internal Disputes Resolution Process.  Our licensee’s external dispute resolution service provider is the Credit and Investment Ombudsman, which can be contacted via:


Telephone: 1800 138 422
Fax: 02 9273 8440
Online complaint form:
Mail: PO Box A252, Sydney South NSW 1235

The Credit and Investment Ombudsman provides an External Disputes Resolution process that you can access should we fail to resolve your complaint about Credit Related Services to your satisfaction.

This service is provided strictly for handling complaints about the provision of CREDIT SERVICES and does not relate to the goods being financed or the condition and delivery of them.

All Direct Loans Australia staff, Contractors and Agents receive training in complaints handling so you can be assured that your complaint will be handled in a professional and courteous manner.

Making a complaint

You can lodge a complaint verbally In person, or by telephone.

You can lodge a complaint in writing by letter or email.

You can lodge a complaint with any staff member, Contractor or Agent at Direct Loans Australia.

How will your complaint be handled ?

A Staff member, Contractor or Agent who receives your complaint will document your concerns,

record your complaint in the Complaints Register, and escalate your complaint to our Internal Disputes Officer.

The Internal Disputes Officer will contact you about your complaint, give you an estimate of when you can expect a decision, investigate your complaint, advise you of the decision and the reasons for the decision on your complaint and provide you with the contact details of the CIO if you are still not satisfied.

Contact Details

You can lodge a complaint in writing

OR telephone 1300 38 00 08